Friday, October 14, 2011

Life as it should be . . .

The other day Peyton went potty on the big girl potty. Afterwards I told her to go wash her hands so she did as any girl would . . . she washed them in "her sink"! So Cute!!
Peyton turned 2! We took her to the store and she picked out her cake. Buzz and Woody of course!
It was lunch time and Peyton wanted to go play. I told her she had to eat all her crackers first. So she took a bite out of each one, yelled "All Done" and hopped on her way. I said, "Peyton, you need to eat ALL the crackers." She looked at me sincerely and said "I did! See"

I guess in her eyes she did eat ALL the crackers. I never said how much of ALL of them she had to eat! Ha!
Sweet P. chillaxin. I always find her in the funniest places just hanging out.
Kissing Boys already!
Is that not the sweetest face ever!
4th of July! I just love this cheesy picture!!


NessaAnn said...

What a little doll she is! You lucky mom. Love the potty training picture. Those cute little toddler bums!

JuLi said...

Oh.My.Goodness! She is soooo sooo soooo CUTE! and smart too obviously!
I'm so happy you posted again! I hope your pregnancy is going okay. Is Peyton sooooo excited?!!?!

The Ledbetter's said...

oh my gosh i miss those little buns!!! Give her big kisses from her favorite aunt coco! :)